See, what had happened was...
Chemistry is a rare commodity. All relationships are based on chemistry, however, some chemicals, when combined with other chemicals, become volatile. Mena Man, Garvertron, Big C and Frenchy had a certain chemistry and it was volatile. That volatility made for great theater but at what expense? It's a rather difficult task to separate the up and down emotions that are exposed on the show from our time away from the show, alas, it was too difficult. One too many blow ups and that volatile chemistry explodes like a Victorville, CA. meth lab. And that's what happened during the taping of Episode 3 of Hey Don't Shoot. As a result we opted to hang up our headphones and call it a day.
A big thank you to me co-host, Garvertron, who, at the end of the day is a good guy and a great friend that can always be counted on. Thank you Big C for working the cameras and to Frenchy for being so funny.
I hope you enjoy Episode 3, thanks for watching and perhaps, with the right chemical mixture Hey Don't Shoot will be resurrected from the grave.
Felix Mena AKA Mena Man
You Tube will not publish this Episode due to copyright policy but you can download it from this link -
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